Management Study Program Faculty of Economics and BusinessUdayana University held a Management Study Program Work Meeting held on Thursday, September 5, 2019 at the third floor of the MM building Sudirman Campus of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University, in this activity Mrs. Koprodi Management Dr. I Gusti Ayu Giantari, SE., M.Si, explained the performance of the Management Study Program 2018/2019 and the odd semester work plan 2019/2020.

The number of active students is 1,420 people supported by 74 lecturers (32 doctors, professors and head lector as many as 25 people). The learning process has used RPS (Semester Learning Plan), the results of the assessment of teaching lecturers are good. In the future it needs to be equipped with industry lecturers / practitioners. The management program budget in 2018 is absorbed by 99.99%, hopefully this performance can be improved. Odd semester work plan 2019/2020, completion of AUN_QA Report and Study Program Performance Report with 9 criteria and Self Evaluation Report. It is expected that the commitment of all educators, students and education personnel to assist in providing data so that the Task Force successfully compiles the report properly,

This event received a positive response from the paradox, it can be seen from the enthusiastic participants in the discussion session.