Performance Achievements
Performance Achievements
For the last five years, the Bachelor of Management Study Program FEB Unud has produced the following performance achievements.
Input achievement
a. Having a source of prospective students spread across various Senior High Schools in Bali and outside Bali.
b. Becoming one of the preferred (favorite) study programs with a ratio of the number of accepted applicants to the average number of applicants for the last five years of 1:6.34 and in the last year (TS) of 1:11.7.
Process achievements
a. Have a credible, transparent, accountable, responsible, and fair governance in organizing the learning process in higher education as well as the leadership of the Study Program that has received public recognition.
b. Have a clear organizational structure equipped with clear and measurable main tasks and functions (tupoksi).
c. Having a Quality Assurance Implementation Team (TPPM) under the coordination of the Quality Assurance Learning Development Unit (UP3M) equipped with various SOPs so as to ensure a quality learning process accompanied by continuous monitoring and evaluation.
d. The Management of the Study Program has implemented management functions from planning to supervision along with a feedback mechanism for the learning process which is followed up in accordance with the existing capacity and authority at the Study Program level.
e. Having lecturers and education staff in sufficient quantity and quality to ensure a quality learning process.
f. Having lecturers with workloads that are in accordance with applicable regulations and distributed in a balanced manner in the three tridharma fields of higher education.
g. Has routinely carried out various trainings for lecturers to improve skills and competencies in the field of higher education tridharma.
h. Has a curriculum that is regularly revised in accordance with science and technology developments and has been synchronized with the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI), and the revision process has involved various components of stakeholders.
i. Has a curriculum that is equipped with graduate profiles, graduate competencies, curriculum maps, and course trees.
j. Have a set of SOPs in the process of preparing the final project (thesis) to ensure the quality of the thesis and SOPs for validation of scientific papers to anticipate plagiarism so that scientific works are worthy of publication.
k. Has pioneered the opening of an international class by conducting lectures using English as an introduction for seven courses in the last semester
l. Having student institutions that routinely carry out various activities, both academic in nature that synergize with Study Program activities and non-academic ones to improve student soft skills.
m. Has carried out monitoring of graduates through regular tracer studies.
n. Having adequate student operational funds for the implementation of a quality learning process and its use is well planned and allocated proportionally to various components of operational activities.
o. Obtain operational funds and external sources that are large enough to compensate for obtaining funds from internal sources.
p. Having adequate facilities and infrastructure based on information technology to support the implementation of quality learning.
Output achievement
a. Have graduates with an average GPA of 3.35 and the number who completed studies under the normal study period was 67.08 percent.
b. The absorption capacity of graduates to be accepted for work in the world of work is already high, which is 91.0 percent
c. Produce graduates with time to get their first job between 3-6 months, which is around 43 percent, followed by a time span of under 3 months by 36 percent and over 6 months by 21 percent
d. Produce scientific papers that have been published from local to international levels.
e. Have a good relationship with alumni organizations and are routinely involved in supporting the development and improvement of the learning process so that it is of higher quality.
f. Having a network of cooperation with various institutions, both government and private from within the country and from abroad that supports the implementation of an increasingly quality learning process.
g. Student involvement in national and international scientific meetings.