Vision and Mission of the Study Program Vision and Mission of the Management Study Program
Vision of the Undergraduate Management Study Program FEB Unud
The Vision of the Management Study Program of FEB Unud was prepared with reference to the Vision of Udayana University (Unud) and the Faculty of Economics and Business of Udayana University (FEB Unud).
The Vision of Udayana University is:
"The Realization of Superior, Independent, and Cultured Higher Education"
Meanwhile, the Vision of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University is:
“Becoming a Faculty of Economics and Business with International Reputation, Excellence, Independent, and Cultured”
Based on the Vision of Udayana University and the Faculty of Economics and Business of Udayana University, the Vision of the Management Study Program of FEB Unud is formulated as follows:
"The realization of the Management Study Program of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University which is internationally reputed, superior, independent, and cultured in implementing and developing creative economy-oriented Management Science."
To further clarify the meaning of the formulation of the vision, it is explained about the meaning of several key words as follows:
1) International Reputation
PSSM FEB Unud as a higher education institution has academic governance capabilities with international qualifications and quality human resources as well as adequate facilities and infrastructure, so as to produce graduates who have global competitiveness, and are able to create an international standard research culture.
2) Excellent
PSSM FEB Unud as a higher education institution carries out a quality learning process and is always ahead of its competitors, supported by adequate facilities and infrastructure, as well as resources with good governance to produce competitive human resources (HR) in Indonesia. economics and business, at the regional, national and international levels.
3) Independent
All human resources produced have good morals, have strong personalities, are confident, competent, and competitive so that they are able to develop themselves independently and have Indonesian personalities. For this reason, the Bachelor of Management Study Program FEB Unud is a Strata-1 educational institution that has autonomy in improving the quality of science, especially in developing and applying economics and business.
4) Cultured
In carrying out the learning process, PSSM FEB Unud is based on local cultural values ??and tolerates cultural diversity. Through this process, it is hoped that the resulting human resources will be able to uphold the values ??of honesty and truth in carrying out every activity that contributes to improving the welfare of the community.
Strategic Goals
PSSM FEB Unud prepares strategic objectives in order to achieve the vision and mission that have been set, which are in line with the Strategic Objectives of FEB Unud. These strategic objectives or general objectives describe a mission statement, which is developed specifically to describe how the mission will be carried out. Table 3.1 shows the translation of the PSSM FEB Unud mission statement into the strategic goals to be achieved in 2020-2024.
Misi dan Tujuan Strategis PSSM FEB Unud Tahun 2020-2024
Misi |
Tujuan Strategis |
Mission 1 Organizing education in the field of management that is professional and has an international reputation. |
1. Realizing excellent and international quality services for stakeholders. 2. Produce management graduates who have an entrepreneurial spirit and are able to utilize information technology. 3. Improving the competence of lecturers and education staff |
Mission 2 Produce superior research in the field of creative economy-oriented management that is beneficial to stakeholders. |
4. Produce quality research in the field of creative economy-oriented management. |
Mission 3 Organizing community service in the field of management based on science and technology and local wisdom. |
5. Contributing management knowledge that is oriented to creative economy through community service programs based on science and technology and local wisdom to create prosperity. |
Mission 4 Expanding Partnerships with Government and Private Institutions in the field of creative economy-oriented management, both at the National and International levels. |
6. Develop and strengthen partnerships with Government and Private Institutions in the field of creative economy-oriented management, both at the National and International levels. |
Mission 5 Produce graduates in the field of management with an entrepreneurial spirit and integrity. |
7. Creating students and management graduates who are competitive nationally and internationally. |