Management Week 2019 is one of the international work programs in the field of academics organized by the Management Week Student Management Faculty of Economics and Business at Udayana University. Management Week Competition this year takes the theme "Advancing the Nation's Economy for Better Indonesia". (MJ-SAC). And there are also a series of investment seminar activities, namely the Investment Investment Talk Show held at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University. -MPC on 24 October 2019, Company Visiting and MJ-SAC Final Presentation on 25 October 2019, MJ-MPC Final Presentation and Field Trip on 26 October 2019

The first series of activities from Management Week was the Management Investment Talk Show, which consisted of 184 participants who were students of the Faculty of Economics and Business at Udayana University. Agung Ngurah Cahaya Paramananda, S.St.Ak, CFP as Branch Manager Representative of PT. Phillip Securitas Indonesia. Through this activity, it is expected that young generation especially students / students can be active in advancing the Indonesian economy through activities in the capital market. The Management Stock Analysis Competition received 20 teams consisting of 2 teams from Bali and 18 from outside Bali. Meanwhile, the Management Marketing Plan Competition is an activity that works with the Coffee Factory Lamb as a partner company, with a total of 13 teams registered, 7 of which are from Bali and 6 from outside Bali.

On September 23, 2019 a proposal was collected, which after this was continued with the Company Visiting to the Coffee Factory and Field Trip to Bali Zoo.In this year, the MJ-MPC and MJ-SAC contests in Management Week 2019 were won by several universities in Indonesia. The Winner Announcement of Management Week 2019 was held at the Management of National Entrepreneur Talk (MJ NET) at the Widya Sabha Auditorium of Udayana University on October 27, 2019. The activity took place successfully and gave a good impression to the finalists of Management Week 2019. Hopefully this activity can run better for the year of October 2013. -Next year.