Meet the Management Study Program is a routine activity held by the Management Student Association. This activity was held on Thursday, April 25, 2019, in the Hall of the Doctoral Building at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University, Denpasar. The function of Student Management Association is one of the bridges between the students and the study program. So, by holding this Study Program Meet, management students can express their aspirations and complaints so that the management study program can be even better.

The event began with remarks by the Chairperson of the Management Student Association, then continued with remarks by Mrs. Dr.I Gusti Ketut Ayu Giantari, S.E., M.Sc as the Coordinator of the Management Study Program. In the Jumprog activity, it discusses the preparation of KRS, service of study programs regarding the dissemination of information, lecturer performance, 4 concentrations in management study programs, campus facilities and the performance of the Management Student Association 2019.

Constraints experienced by students when preparing KRS will immediately be evaluated so that later during the preparation of KRS next semester, current constraints can be minimized. In addition, student complaints related to lecturers' performance and information services by the study program were immediately accommodated and responded to by the Management Study Program Coordinator at the time the event took place. In addition, problems related to college student acility were also immediately addressed and evaluated by the study program. Matters regarding the safety and comfort of students while attending lectures were also discussed and considered during the Study Program Meet.

With this activity, it is expected that all complaints and problems of students while attending lectures can be resolved to better study at the Faculty of Management FEB Unud. In addition, this activity also measures the success of the study program in carrying out its tasks and functions. It is hoped that evaluations like this will be able to protect management students in order to improve their quality and achievements.


#Life Management