Management Initiation 2019

-Management Initiation 2019 is an alma mater socialization activity at the study program level. The purpose of this activity is to introduce campus life in the Management Study Program in particular. The theme of the 2019 Management Initiation is "Creating Young Leaders of the Nation's Leading Nation (Skilled, Disciplined, Empathy, Progressive, ANdal) and STRONG (Creative, Excellent, Active, Exemplary)".

This activity began with the gathering of participants, followed by examination of attributes, then continued with the opening ceremony which was held in the Udayana International Convention Center ballroom, which was officially opened by the Chair of the Management Student Association of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University, with the symbolic nametag ruling. After that, the event continued with material presentation by the Management Student Association Supervisor, Student Achievement testimonials, LKMM Socialization, Inauguration, games, and closing ceremony where the event was officially closed by the Chair of the Management Student Association of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University with the symbolic release of the nametag.