Management Concentration Class (MCC) 2020
Management Concentration Class (MCC)
Management Concentration Class 2020 or abbreviated as MCC is one of the work programs of the Management Student Association which was held on Sunday, June 14th
2020 through online media (Google Meet). MCC 2020 is carried out under the theme "Discover Your Concentration for Brighter Future". The purpose of this event is to inform management students about the concentration in the management study program and to help management students choose concentrations according to their interests and talents.
This activity began with the opening of MCC 2020 by the Management Study Program Coordinator, then continued with the first session, Concentration Sharing by alumni from the Management Study Program who are experienced in taking each concentration and succeeding in their fields. The alumni who spoke at the Concentration Sharing session were the first RM. Satwika Putra Jiwandhana, S.E., M.M, alumni of Financial Management; the second is Agung Wirahadi Kusuma, S.E., alumni of Human Resources Management; third, I Gede Sueca Arimbawa, S.E., alumni of Market Management; and finally, Tri Satya Pradnyandari, S.E., alumni of Operations Management. The speakers at Concentration Sharing talked about their experiences while taking the concentration until finally they were successful in the field they were in. This certainly provides an overview for participants regarding the prospects of the four management concentrations. Then the second session was a Concenration Class session which was filled by students from the eighth semester to share the joys and sorrows in taking each concentration. The eighth semester students who gave material were the first, Ni Made Arya Suchita Dewi, SE, from Operations Management, Ni Made Sari Anggraini from Financial Management, Dewa Ayu Made Fanny Dwinda Putri from Human Resource Management and Made Ayunatya Wikansa Muderawan from Marketing Management . The next session is the Talent’s Mapping session by the Specialist Team from Tri Maestro Consulting that can help students identify themselves and discover their talents.
The MCC 2020 activity which was attended by 173 people was closed by the Management Student Association Advisor representing the Management Study Program Coordinator accompanied by the Chair of the 2020 Management Student Association and the Chair of the Management Concentration Class 2020 Committee. Thus the Management Concentration Class activity was expected to help friends in determining concentration in the Management Study Program. It is hoped that this activity will run better for the following years.