Management Care Education and Training (MJ Center) is one of the activities of HM Management which was carried out on Saturday, August 31, 2019. The MJ Center was preceded by remarks by the committee chairman, HM Management chair and remarks from the Coordinator of the Management Study Program as well as opening the MJ Center event. There were two trainings which was held at the MJ Center this time, namely: Marketing Plan Training and Public Speaking Training. Marketing plan material was presented by Mr. I Gusti Agung Ketut Gede, Uasana, SE., MM and was attended by 25 participants. The marketing plan training is filled with material exposure, discussion sessions and continued with case solving. Participants are given time to prepare their marketing plan ideas and then given the opportunity to make presentations. Meanwhile, public speaking material was delivered by Mr. Made Dwi Setyadhi Mustika, S.E., M.M and was attended by 26 participants. The public speaking trainers are divided into material and practice sessions. The material provided is about how important public speaking is in daily life and tips for good communication. Then participants will be invited to practice public speaking as the MC and presenter of the material.

By holding the MJ Center training, it is expected that participants will be able to apply it to improve the achievements of the management study program.