In Preparing Student Competencies Undergraduate Management Study Program Conducts 2024 Student Certification Exam Workshop

Denpasar, FEB UNUD Management Student Association - The 2024 Student Certification Exam Workshop was held on Thursday, March 07, 2024 at the Doctoral Building hall of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University. This activity invited speakers Mrs. Dr. Putu Saroyini Piartrini, SE, AK as Chairperson of the Udayana University Professional Certification Institute and Mr. Andryan Harris as Director of the Indonesian Financing Professional Certification Institute.

Participants in this workshop activity were active students of the Udayana University Management Undergraduate Study Program. The workshop began at 09:00 WITA which was opened directly by Mr. Dr. I Nyoman Nurcaya, S.E., M.M as the Coordinator of the Undergraduate Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University, followed by the presentation of material I by Dr. Putu Saroyini Piartrini, SE, AK. The material was delivered briefly and clearly. During the presentation of the material, it was also explained in detail about the importance of certification certificates for students, the Legal Basis for Student Competency Certification, the Licensed Competency Certification Scheme, and the place and date of the Certification Examination. The event at Material Exposure I ended with a discussion session and the handover of souvenirs and photos together with Dr. Putu Saroyini Piartrini, SE, AK.

The activity continued with Material Presentation II by Mr. Andryan Harris. Material presentation II also explained in detail about Competency Certification which refers to the Normative Reference for Professional Certification, Certificate of Competency Professional Certification, Overview of Indonesian Financing LSP, Added Value of Professional Certification, Benefits of Professional Certification for Students. The event in Session II ended with a discussion session and the handover of souvenirs and photos with Mr. Andryan Harris.

The hope of organizing this activity is to prepare students to improve their competence through competency certification which can be useful in increasing competitiveness in the world of work.