Focus Group Discussion on Formulation of Vision in the Study Program Bachelor of Management FEB Unud oriented to Scientific Vision

Focus Group Discussion on Formulation of Vision in the Study Program Bachelor of Management FEB Unud oriented to Scientific Vision

Friday, July 12, 2019, FEB Management Study Program held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) to determine the Vision, Mission of Management Study Program Year 2020 - 2025. This activity was opened by the Dean of FEB Unud Dr. I Nyoman Mahaendra Yasa, SE., MS. This activity is carried out to anticipate the development of industrial technology advancements 4.0, so the Vision and Mission of Management Study Program must also be changed to become scientific vision oriented. The Management Study Program Vision "The realization of a Management Study Program that is Superior, Independent and Cultured and applies and Develops Management Science at the Southeast Asia Level in 2020". Some important input provided by resource persons and participants for the formulation of a new vision, oriented scientific vision. Present at the FGD event were from user elements (such as; Former Director of BPD, representatives of Bank Mandiri, representatives of BRI, representatives of Bank BNI and representatives of Entrepreneurs), Alumni, Lecturers, Professors, Former Deans and WD 1, former chairman of the Department of Management and student representative of FEB Unud. The guest speaker of the LP3M Unud Prof. Dr. Ni Wayan Sri Suprapti SE., MSi. and Professor of the Faculty of Literature Unud Prof. Dr. I B Putra Yadnya MA.